A Great Book for Understanding Kids' Sensory Triggers

Someone recently gave me a copy of Understanding Your Child's Sensory Signals: A Practical Daily Use Handbook for Parents and Teachers. I love it!

This book is chockfull of practical strategies and helps explain why your child is "Afraid of the Car Wash" or "Sucks Stomach in as Far as Possible, Then Puffs it Out," or "Dislikes Wearing Shoes and/or Socks."

It's not a long, laborious read. You look at the Table of Contents, find something your kid does and then flip to the page to read a couple paragraphs about why he does it and how to help. Easy!

This was designed for kids with Sensory Processing Disorder, but having been in a preschool classroom for much of the last year, I can guarantee that this would be useful to any parent. All babies and young kids have difficulty dealing with our modern world because it is so weird and frightening!

I love the table of contents, too, because reading through it, I get a sense of how wide the range of sensory triggers are. It's nice to feel like I'm not the only parent in the world dealing with them!

Angie Voss' explanations are kind and positive. You can tell she really thinks about where the child is coming from and gives them the benefit of the doubt that they are not just "acting out" but might have a legitimate reason for certain behaviors.

UPDATE 4/22/14: I forgot to mention a few things! First is that they have a pretty cool website called A Sensory Life. Second, she often mentions a "bubble mountain" as a strategy for working through issues, but I couldn't figure out what that was until I Googled it. Behold this fun and calming activity!

Check out a copy from your library or buy it on Amazon by clicking on this picture!

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Looking for a meaningful gift? Dark & Light: A Love Story in Black and White is a beautiful and insightful board book available here. All profits go towards my son's medical needs. 


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