
Showing posts from 2014

Shasta: The Return to Journalism

A Day in Our Life: From Hot Air Balloons to "Go Blazers!"

How to Make a Medicine Spreadsheet Chart on Excel

Adventures in Hippotherapy

Silent Sunday: OMSI

Floor Time Frustration

Using VitalStim to Counter Dysphagia in Kids with CP

Reaping the Rewards

Twinhood Scrambled

Chia Seeds: A Simple and Fun Way to Make Your Kids WANT to Boost Their Fiber and Nutrition!

The Risks and Rewards of Being a Medical Research Subject

Happy Easter!

How Our Twin Three-Year-Olds Learned to Read

Spring Color at the Tulip Festival!

How to Answer the Screen Time Challenge (Especially with Challenged Kids)

What Makes a Little Girl?

A Great Book for Understanding Kids' Sensory Triggers

How Video Games Could Teach My Kid to Walk